Simple Changes Can Make a Big Difference

I love living in a small town. Yesterday I went to the post office to drop off some Oh Goodie! Boxes.
I walked in to give the boxes to Bryan (yes, I’m on a first name basis with one of the only clerks who works there) but he was actually already in a conversation with another woman who was there to pick up her mail.
When I placed the Oh Goodie! Boxes on the counter she said “ohhhh what’s Oh Goodie!?” I told her Oh Goodie! was a healthy snack box that could be delivered to your home or office. To that she said, “ohh is it your company?” I said yes, and she said tell me more!
What was meant to be a 2 minute errand turned into a 30 minute conversation as this woman named Cherry, just like the fruit, and I started sharing our personal health journeys.
She shared that she works in pharmaceuticals but subscribes to a more holistic health approach for herself. I shared how western medicine was great for triage but hadn’t done much to help me heal some more chronic issues. And as we continued the conversation we both shared how we were trying to change our diets in an attempt to help our bodies heal.
We also had a shared confession….as much as we knew better we still enjoyed Chik Fil A and more traditional packaged sweets.
What I told Cherry, I’ll tell you now.
In truth, I know (as I’m sure you do), that the best foods for me are whole foods. No preservatives, no added sugars, no junk. But I also know that I’ve had 37 years of practice eating one way so it’s not uncommon for me to crave packaged chips, cookies and candies. I did, afterall, grow up in the vending industry.
I told her I keep an Oh Goodie! Box in the car (and of course I have my snacks at home), not because I think the snacks inside are the healthiest choice but because they are a much better alternative to going through the drive thru and because when I crave a cookie it’s much better to each a chocolate chip cookie made with clean ingredients (even if it has sugar added) then it is to eat one made of chemicals.

So friends, if you’re like me and crave a snack while you’re on your own health journey I highly encourage you to try some of the brands we offer at Oh Goodie!. Not because they are your healthiest choice (nothing will ever beat fresh, whole foods) but because they are a better choice than maybe what you’ve chosen in the past. And they are most likely a better choice than a lot of the snacks you can find at your local grocery store.