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Octonuts Roasted Almonds Sea Salt & Vinegar

Octonuts Roasted Almonds Sea Salt and Vinegar - Add to your Oh Goodie snack box today
Octonuts Roasted Almonds Sea Salt and Vinegar Nutrition Facts - Add to your Oh Goodie snack box today

A classic combo with a nutty twist. Skip those carby loaded potato chips, this is how Octonuts does salt & vinegar—with fully California-grown tasty almonds bursting with NUTrition like healthy fats, protein, fiber, and more, all further boosted by their cold-pressed almond oil.

Octonuts Roasted Almonds Sea Salt and Vinegar - Add to your Oh Goodie snack box today
Octonuts Roasted Almonds Sea Salt and Vinegar Nutrition Facts - Add to your Oh Goodie snack box today


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